6 Quotes & Sayings By Dimebag Darrell

Darrell Lance Abbott (May 28, 1971 – December 8, 2004), known professionally as Dimebag Darrell, was an American musician, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and film composer. He is best known for his tenure in Pantera, but also collaborated with many other bands including Damageplan. He was also known for his prowess on the guitar.

To me, a sure-fire way to get in a rut is by sitting around playing by yourself for too long. You've gotta get out there and jam, man! You don't have to necessarily be in a band, all you've gotta have are a couple of buds who play too. They don't have to be guitarists either; jamming with a bassist or a drummer is cool. Dimebag Darrell
Music drives you. It wakes you up, it gets you pumping. And, at the end of the day, the correct tune will chill you down. Dimebag Darrell
Lessons didn't really work out for me, so I went to the old school, listening to records and learning what I wanted to learn. Dimebag Darrell
When I tried to play something and screwed up, I'd hear some other note that would come into play. Then I started trying different things to find the beauty in it. Dimebag Darrell
The worst advice I ever received from my dad was to play by the book. Dimebag Darrell